[2024 FIX] The Requested Operation Requires Elevation

How to the Requested Operation Requires Elevation Windows 10?

Some Windows users get an error message that says, “The requested operation requires elevation” when they try to open a file from an external hard drive.

If you are one of the people who have seen Error 740 and are looking for a way to fix it, you are in the right place. Here, you’ll find quick fixes: “The requested operation requires elevation” on Windows 10.
Before you try to fix the requested operation needs elevation, find out why it’s happening. Check: (Twitch Black Screen?)

What Causes the Requested Operation Requires Elevation?

The problem is usually caused by the permissions given to a program when it is working. This mistake occurs when the user does something in the administrator account or the running program.

To open certain files, you need the permission of a local administrator with “elevation” rights. The “requested operation requires elevation” error will appear if that permission is not given.

How do I fix “The Requested Operation Requires Elevation”?

Well, there are only a few ways to fix Windows 10’s “The requested operation requires elevation” problem that will work.

Carefully follow the instructions to get permission to open the files.

Solution 1: New Administrator Account

Users of Windows say that the creating process failed; the requested action requires an elevation error message to show up when you try to run a program but don’t have administrative rights.

But you can fix this problem by making a new administrator account. Here are some easy steps to take:

  • To open the Settings app > press Windows + I.
  • Under settings, click on the Accounts link.
  • Now, click on Family & Other People on the left side of the window.

New Administrator Account

  • Click on “Add another person to this computer.”
  • Pick out I need to learn how to sign in as this person.
  • Click “Add a user who doesn’t have a Microsoft account.”

Add a user who doesn't have a Microsoft account

  • Now, enter the new account’s username and click Next.

When the steps above are done, a new user account is created. Remember that the new account doesn’t have manager rights.

So, you need to change this account to one for a supervisor. Follow the steps below to do so:

  • Again, open the Settings app and tap the Accounts button.
  • Choose “Family and other people.”
  • Click on the Change account type button and then on the account you just made.
  • Change the Account Type to Administrator and then click OK.

Now that you have a new account for running things, you can. Change to the new account and then try to run the programs that need to be run as an administrator.

If this solution fixes the requested action requiring the elevation of Windows 10, you must move your files to this new account and use it.

Solution 2: Elevate Without Prompting in GPEDIT

Another way to solve the problem. You can turn off the UAC warning in GPEDIT (Group Policy Editor).
To turn off UAC, you need to open GPEDIT on your computer. To do this, follow these steps:

  • To open GPEDIT, press Windows + R and type gpedit. msc, and click OK.

Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options

  • Go to the Security Options folder. You’ll find a policy called “User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for administrators in Admin Approval Mode.”
  • Double-click it to open the choices.
  • Choose Elevate without being asked, and then click OK.

Now, run the application that needs administrative permission and see if the issue the requested action requires elevation is gone.

Solution 3: Disable UAC

As you can see from the above answer, you need to open GPEDIT to turn off UAC. Follow the steps above to open the Group Policy Editor, and then read on for more steps.

  • Type when you press the Windows icon. Change User Account Control settings.

Disable UAC

  • A blue slider is between Always Notify and Never Notify in the UAC box.
  • Move the bar to Never Notify and click OK.
  • Click Yes if the User Account Control box comes up.

User Account Control box

  • To save changes, you need to restart Windows.

Now, see if you can access the files without getting the message: The requested operation requires elevation.”

Solution 4: Change Permission of the Folders & Properties

Here’s another way to fix the Windows problem: “The requested operation requires elevation.” Try to change the folder’s permissions, but you’ll need to add the local administrator account first.
To change the permissions of folders, do the following:

  • Go to the area that wouldn’t let you in, right-click on it, and choose “Properties.”
  • Click the “Security” tab and choose “Advanced.”
  • Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object box in the Advanced Security settings.
  • Click Apply and OK to save the changes.

Now, restart your system and see if you can get in without getting an error message that says, “the requested operation requires elevation.”

Solution 5: Run the Program as an Administrator

As it says, “the requested operation requires elevation” happens when the running program doesn’t have administrative rights.
This problem can be fixed by running the app as an administrator. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Right-click the program that needs permission from the administrator and choose Properties.
  • When a window pops up, click on the compatibility tab and make sure This tool can be run as an administrator.
  • To make sure the changes are made, click Apply and OK.
  • After you’ve done the above, try running the program to see if the requested operation needs an elevation problem to be fixed.

The above methods will likely help you get rid of Windows. But if the problem continues, you can try fixing it by running the SFC scan. That could work if the files you are trying to open are damaged. Read this guide to fix files that are broken.


I’ve put together some ways to fix the “requested operation requires elevation” error in Windows 10.

These manual methods will let you open files you couldn’t before because you didn’t have administrative privileges.

It would help if you had liked this piece, and the solutions should have helped you fix the error on your Windows.

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Good Luck_

Updated: 10 March 2024 — 3:55 PM

The Author